Teaching principles of diagram design

This week I’ve been working with the level 2 BA Graphic Design students on design for visualising data relationships. We’ve been looking at hierarchies, network diagrams, arc diagrams, flowcharts and all things diagrammatic.

We reviewed the results of practical exercises today, where students have been learning and applying basic design principles. Here are just a few pics – more can be seen over at http://graphicdesign.lincoln.ac.uk

Teaching: principles of graph design

A few quick images from my teaching today with second year Graphic Design students at the University of Lincoln.

This was our first excursion into visualising data on the course, what you see is the result of practical exercises to learn and apply principles of graph design. Students tackled design for several data relationship types and at the same time developed their capability to source and handle raw data.


As well as scrutinizing the application of design principles it was also really interesting to discuss the stories coming through the data in each case.

More on the course website…